tea can do many things…

… but it can’t bring back the dead – Death at a Funeral The original British version is one of my favorite movies of all time. Quirky Bristish humor and The Imp from Game of Thrones before he was The Imp. Love. I also love tea. Let’s talk about two things for terrific tea: temperature […]

grey lady

When I get in my {new} car and it tells me the temperature outside is below 65, the seat warmers immediately are set to 2. Yes, 1 is not enough, and 3 might burn your backside unless its truly freezing. But when it’s cold and my day starts with amazing music? Cut Me Some Slack […]

challenge accepted

Let’s make it a good one. I rang in 2013 with Nate, my good friend Ali, and her charming family at Ali’s house with food, laughs, games, fancy dresses, fancy champagne cocktails, and moonshine. A good time was had by all. New Year’s Day was spent lazing around, reading books (me), playing Playstation basketball (Nate), […]

don't drink the soda

I won’t bore you with all the bad things you already know about soda/pop/cola whatever you’d like to call it. You know there’s too much sugar or scary fake sugars, it leaches calcium out of bones and teeth, uses nasty chemical ingredients and dyes, makes you gain weight/retain water/bloat/have gas, requires a serious amount of […]