chipotle fig glazed lentil walnut loaf

You want some truth? I’m a bit of a food blog addict. I love them. And when I find a new one I obsessively cook from it. Today it’s another one of Angela’s recipes: glazed lentil walnut apple loaf! Mmmm it was delicious. I think Nate liked it more than I did! My favorite meatloaf […]

best oven fries ever and spicy BBQ chickpea burgers

I have made a discovery! Her name is Angela and she writes an amazing vegan food blog, oh she glows. Am I late to the oh she glows party? Maybe. But better late than never, right? Besides being vegan, she addresses a lot of other dietary concerns in her recipes including gluten-free, paleo, etc. She […]

not-cheese pesto pizza

Veganism. Let’s talk about it. True vegans eat no animal products nor do they wear them. This includes meat, dairy, eggs, honey (from bees!), leather, and silk (from a worm!). Insects are animals? I don’t know, no? I know that I smoosh fleas and Mosquitos and get out of my house flies and spiders or […]

love your love

Yes yes today is Valentine’s Day and it’s about love. I know you might want to insert a snarky remark about commercial holidays and singles awareness day, but stop yourself! Let’s make Valentine’s Day about love. Not just romantic love but all the love you experience in your life: friends, family, pets, co-workers, significant others, […]

pura vida bliss

Check our yours truly reflecting on my paddle yoga retreat to Costa Rica with the mermaids (and mermen!) of Paddle Board Bliss in my pura vida post! Yep, that was my life for 12 days. I am unbelievably blessed. And so are you. Go out and get blissed. Now, while the food in the Galapagos […]

Galapoagos 2012

Finally, finally, finally a post about my epic trip to the Galapagos! Don’t worry, I’m not writing it on the plane to Costa Rica. That’d be weird. Yep. 2 travelers, 5 airports, 7 islands, 10 days, to celebrate 25 years on 12/12/12 at the Equator. Yes, I have the most awesome mom on the planet. […]